Today, I would like to share some knowledge about what happened today in history exactly 81 years ago from today. When we talked about abortion, what comes into our mind is that it’s really a crime against humanity. It’s described as a inhuman act of a government to legalize this things for most Christian nations, much like of our country, the Philippines. But day by day, more and more people are open for such changes and other ways to somehow improve human life around. The first one to do it is a country from Northern Europe and the others just follow.

Northern Europe, it is cool beautiful part of the world, it is known for being such honest people and also has the advancements which in comes to technology and every aspect of innovation. One, country, particularly in the Arctic region, which is Iceland is known for its cold climate, obviously from its country name. But we didn’t know much more about it, the statisticians say that Iceland was one of the top sparsely populated countries in the world. However, Iceland makes a move during 1935, that makes sound waves all over the world, it is that their country legalized abortion for the first time in history for various of reasons. The abortion procedure in their country states that the doctor should do it in a registered facility and that it needs to certify the said procedure. The labeled law No. 38 says that due to the health conditions of some women, especially to women who gave birth already to lots of children and could cause poverty and may cause some problems soon of the family, that’s what I understood upon the labeled law.
For me, any country has its own reasons on why they implemented such legalization. They are entitled for it. We cannot judge anyone just because of a move that made it. It has deeper explanations on why such actions had occurred. For us Catholics most especially, it is an act of crime against the humanity, and because of it, we are also entitled for it. So everyone would just respect any step that has taken and we must take into considerations why did it happen and we can somehow learn from it.
Credits: Images from Google
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