Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The Roanoke Colony ( The vanished colony)

    The mystery has always been a while ever since this world of ours has been created. There are lots of questions still needs some answers, which we never get in over a long period of time. For this time, I am going to write about one of the most mysterious disappearances in history, that even experts, don’t have enough clues as to explain the vanishing of this people. Even though its like centuries ago have past, if we readers are fun of reading mysterious stories, this is one of the best examples to that.

    All the story began in the year 1585 when Sir Walter Raleigh founded the Roanoke Island colony. The first batch of colonist did not do well, with scarcity of food supplies and also some Indian attacks. And by 1586, a year later, they returned back to England. In 1587, another batch has been sent, captained by John White by a group of 100 colonist. And then White returned to England to get more supplies for the colonist. What also delay the come back of White was the war between Spain was going on, making him arrive in the colony in 1590, which he saw no one there.

    White has no clues aside from the word CROATOAN carved in a tree, which refers to an island miles away, which later turns out to be still no clue there. In 1998, a study was conducted and the result was that, there is a terrible drought that happened during the disappearance period, which for some triggered the colonist to flew from the area. Another theory has been viewed that the colonist have been with a tribe named Croatoans. Among those who vanished is Ellinor Dare, White’s daughter, Virginia Dare, White’s granddaughter and the first English child born in America.

Credits: Images from google

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