Monday, June 22, 2015

Two Presidents married their First Ladies this day in history

   Marriage, a part of a person’s life where in you commit to be one with a chosen partner. This day is remembered not only by Americans, but by some who knows about dates and all other details of the biography of the U.S presidents. 

On this day in 1810, at age 26, Zachary Taylor the 12 president of the United States married his wife named Margaret Smith aged 31. Smith met Taylor in 1809 when Taylor was an Army officer. A couple of years later, they have produced 6 children. And some of their children made their own names, one was their son Richard who later in his life became a general in the Confederate Army. And their daughter married a well known man in the name of President Jefferson Davis the future confederate president. According to some historians, during the presidency of Taylor, they noted that his wife was not happy, that she let her daughter Mary do the White House duties instead of her.
A century and 30 years later the same day, another President married the other half of his life. He is Richard Milhous Nixon the 37th president of the United States.  The name of the woman was Patricia Ryan, which is known to some as a very supportive wife all the way into the entire presidential term of Nixon. They had 2 daughters namely Julie and other one named after her mother, Patricia.  During Nixon’s political career, he was squashed by lots of interventions, especially the Watergate scandal. His re-election committee was implicated into criminal activities Democratic Party candidates and other organizers. Because of this scandal, this leads the Congress to have some proceedings in it. His family supported him until his resignation in 1974, which Nixon decided to leave voluntarily.

Credits: Images from google

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