Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The first death on a space mishap

      Have you ever been curious of what the space really looks out there? Obviously, we have seen the pictures already based upon the astronauts/cosmonauts who have been there capturing the image of the heavenly bodies out there. It is so much wonderful seeing the wonders of nature up above or all around us. For my today’s topic, it would have to do with the space history. Particularly in the mission that has gained a lot of attention around the world because of it’s marvelous explorations in it. But behind this wonders, there should one tragic accident that started the entire exploration made it more costly and a sort of gamble towards space people’s lives.

   I’m talking about the first death that ever happened in space exploration history. It’s the death of Mr. Vladimir Komarov of the Soviet Union. It happened at about April 24, 1967, it was so tragic that even me including me a reader, could hardly imagine the painful death of Mr. Komarov almost 49 years ago today. it happened when his landing capsule hit the earth at a very fast speed. The speed is estimated to be about several hundred miles per hour. It is unbelievable how a human would feel in such plunging speed upon it’s death during that time. It is a matter of waiting for your own self to face death that fast. It is considered to be the first ever death on a space craft accident, and probably the most devastating one.

  There’s a saying where in we would say, no pain no gain. But to this one, it would serve this event as a learning experience to all of us, that for every success that we do, there’s always a risk no matter what happen. It’s life, we must gamble to gain success, knowledge and fame, we must do anything inorder for us to be that productive to our fellow men.  Today, is the birthday of Mr. Vladimir Komarov. He was born on March 16, 1927, if he was alive he would be 89 years old. He died of the spacecraft accident at age 40.

Credits: Images from Google

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The death of Uncle Fester (Jackie Coogan)

    As a child we always want to be entertained in some other ways. We even find ways just to keep ourselves satisfied no matter what the consequence it is. For this time, I would like to share to you some of the historic character that made children be entertained, even though it is partly scary. His name was Jackie Coogan, who played the role as Uncle Fester in the T.V series. The younger generation has admired this role as part of the Addams family, which originally played by Jackie Coogan in 1964. Before it came into animation, it is first viewed as live series.

     Born as John Leslie Coogan on October 26, 1914,was hugely known as a successful child star in the 1930’s. During this time, the silent movie named “The Kid” was his first career movie together with the ever famous Charlie Chaplin. He was so famous that time that he earned an estimated amount of  $3 to $4 million dollars. Because of this, his stepfather and mother tried to manipulate the earnings of the child according to some sources. This made Mr. Coogan filed a case against them, which later resulted into the provocation in the state of California into its first known legal protection of child earnings. This is widely called as Coogan Act or the Coogan Law. Until such time in the 1964, he was assigned to play the role Uncle Fester of the Addams family which was viewed in ABC channel from 1964-1966. This was the highlight of his later career. He also appeared as guest on television and also in other films.

    In the later year of his life he has experienced some health problems, particularly on heart and kidney issues. Until such day on March 1, 1984, exactly 32 years ago today, he died of a heart failure. Whether we know Mr. Coogan or not, he still contributes the original beauty of an animated series which is known by younger generations now, without his presence, the animated series would have a missing piece that resembles the picture as a whole. He was 69 years old.

Credits: Images from Google

Friday, February 19, 2016

The Landing of 30,000 American forces on Iwo Jima

      Today, I would like to tackle about one of the deadliest war ever in history, it is experienced by all people during the 1945, I’m talking about the World War 11. This war has been known to extract millions of people from all walks of life here on earth. It has been one of the greatest test ever to human kind. During that time, all kinds of weapons and forces are imposed against each other just for the glorious victory for each side. Suffering, famine, deaths are almost all over the land, and according to the people like my grandparents who have experienced that war, said that it seems that the war has no end and all they could do is hide and hide for their life and somehow just to survive within a particular day. But in history there are some notable wars that serve as a key in ending the it, specifically in World War 11, when the American forces made some advances in the territories of the enemies.

     The place was Iwo Jima in Japan, a tiny island which is strategically located in the southern part of the country. For the American forces, Iwo Jima is the 1st step in reaching Japan and starting there conquest against the Japanese empire. On this day, February 19 in 1945 exactly 71 years ago, was the historic landing of the Americans into the island. It is written in history that about 30,000 soldiers landed there to begin their mission. The mission was somehow successful at the end of the conflict, but as expected, lots of casualties have it. Both sides suffered severe number of deaths specifically those soldiers who are killed in Action, Presumed dead (Missing) and those who died from diseases and other causes.

   About sometime later, the war ended and finally Japanese empire and it’s Axis partners declared the war over and that they have surrendered to the Allied forces. This war somehow teaches us a lot of lessons, even this time, that even though we haven’t gone into that era, the stories which still existed today, tells us that no matter how forceful, powerful we are in this world, when conflicts comes, no one wins it, everyone is a loser. But someone somehow would take a step forward to take a better results for the benefit of everyone.

Credits: Images from Google

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Iceland, the first nation to legalize abortion

     Today, I would like to share some knowledge about what happened today in history exactly 81 years ago from today. When we talked about abortion, what comes into our mind is that it’s really a crime against humanity. It’s described as a inhuman act of a government to legalize this things for most Christian nations, much like of our country, the Philippines. But day by day, more and more people are open for such changes and other ways to somehow improve human life around. The first one to do it is a country from Northern Europe and the others just follow.
Northern Europe, it is cool beautiful part of the world, it is known for being such honest people and also has the advancements which in comes to technology and every aspect of innovation. One, country, particularly in the Arctic region, which is Iceland is known for its cold climate, obviously from its country name. But we didn’t know much more about it, the statisticians say that Iceland was one of the top sparsely populated countries in the world. However, Iceland makes a move during 1935, that makes sound waves all over the world, it is that their country legalized abortion for the first time in history for various of reasons. The abortion procedure in their country states that the doctor should do it in a registered facility and that it needs to certify the said procedure. The labeled law No. 38 says that due to the health conditions of some women, especially to women who gave birth already to lots of children and could cause poverty and may cause some problems soon of the family, that’s what I understood upon the labeled law.

For me, any country has its own reasons on why they implemented such legalization. They are entitled for it. We cannot judge anyone just because of a move that made it. It has deeper explanations on why such actions had occurred. For us Catholics most especially, it is an act of crime against the humanity, and because of it, we are also entitled for it. So everyone would just respect any step that has taken and we must take into considerations why did it happen and we can somehow learn from it.

Credits: Images from Google 

Friday, January 22, 2016

The death of Queen Victoria of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

      Today in history, is one of the things that one of the most influential country in the world, the Great Britain. Almost all knew about the longest reigning monarch in history of great Britain was the current Queen Elizabeth II who have reigned since the 1950’s up to the present.  But before came Queen Elizabeth in this world there was also a queen of England who is considered the second longest reigning monarch, she is Queen Victoria of England. Who at her time has given England more progress in any aspect. She is considered to be one of the most powerful women at her time.

     Queen Victoria of England was the only child of George III’s fourth son, Edward. Queen Victoria was born Alexandrina Victoria on May 24, 1819. She studied at Royal Palace, and is known for having a passion in painting, writing and drawing. She became a the queen of England, only at age 18 on 1837. Three years later she married her cousin Prince Albert. After 20 years of marriage, they had 9 children all in all. Unfortunately around 1861, Prince Albert died due to a typhoid fever, making Queen Victoria a widow and secluded due to the death of her partner in life. Some historians noted that it took about 25 years that Victoria has felt upon his death.

    England at that time has experienced a lot of expansion from various kinds of innovation like the bridges, railways, industries and also science. Queen Victoria at the time of her reign also avoided conflicts between neighboring countries in Europe. It was well known that the 19th century in Britain was called the Victorian England, it is because of her long reign and because of all the contributions he had for the country that time. She died on January 22, 1901 exactly 115 years ago today at age 81, making her reign lasted for 63 influential years. Edward VII her son, succeeded her.

credits: Images from Google

Thursday, January 14, 2016

David Jones changed his last name to Bowie

Today in history, on this day, I would like to share one of the highlights of Mr. David Bowie, one of the most famous musicians of his era. Who unfortunately has passed away last January 10, 2016, just a few days ago. Bowie, a singer song writer has written a lot of songs, especially in the 1970’s in his prime. Maybe here in the Philippines, some of his songs are not that popular, but as a music artist, he gained a lot of attention also, especially the 70’s era, wherein he released and made a lot of songs.

           But before some his songs was released, today in history, in January 14, 1966, exactly 50 years ago, has decided to change his name from David Jones to David Bowie. It is because for the reason that to avoid confusion with his fellow musician’s name also who happens to be Davy Jones of the Monkees, who sounds like the same as his. Probably, this is one of his lucky charms that made a name for Mr. Bowie in the world of music. About 3 years later, he released the song named “Space Oddity” in 1969. By 1970, released a song called” The man who sold the World”. By 1971, also released the songs called “Life on Mars?”, Changes, Queen Bitch and Oh!You Pretty Things. And in 1972, made a lot of songs namely: “Starman”, “Five Years”, “Moonage Daydream”, “Suffragette City” and Ziggy Stardust. And lots of other songs composed in the next succeeding years.

           David Bowie’s birthday was celebrated with his family on January 8th, just 2 days before his death. The cause of his death was the cancer, an 18th month long battle with the said disease. The music world would never forget all the things he had done whether it’s good or bad. He has done his part already, and we have to accept is that, it’s the fact of life. We come and go. Bowie died at age 69.

Credits: Images from Google

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The birth of Joan of Arc

 It was 1412, this time in Europe was somewhat very much into wars and claiming of lands or territories are all over. But France has one of its saint born, her name Joan. The story of Joan of Arc started when she has gotten some visions of 3 saints namely Saint Margaret, Saint Michael and Saint Catherine, asking her to assist King Charles VII fought against the English. During the Hundred Years War, Joan of Arc was so young simple peasant girl, helped and played an important role in capturing Orleans, France. She later went to capture other towns, most importantly Rhiems and even Paris that time.

Later that time on, Joan of Arc was captured in exchange of money to the English. Joan a throughout the trial kept her silence, didn’t say anything, but just sitting, that the English have come to think that they can’t get anything or any information for Joan. Because of this, the English captors were angered and it leads this to Joan’s sentence to death. Joan was burned at the stake alive in the month of May 1431. About  25 years later Pope Callixtus III named Joan of Arc a martyr.  And finally, centuries later, she was finally declared a saint particularly in 1920. Joan of Arc was put to death only at age 19.

It is really a strong portrait of a strong woman power. Joan of Arc is not only a patron saint of France but also the role model of woman bravery all over the world. It is really an honor for every woman to have Joan of Arc gone into this world, no wonder why, lots of woman are named after. I do believe that you are who you are of what name you are bringing to since birth to your death. This accomplishment’s of Joan of Arc would somehow affect not only women, but also men, even if how young or our status in life we have, we should keep on fighting on the battle in life we face win or lose, as long as we tried for it, there would be no losers in the end.

Credits: Images from Google