The boy is known as Adam Walsh, age 6, the son of John Walsh, later to be come one of the leading victims crime activist. Later on, john became the host of America’s Most Wanted. It all started when his mother allowed him to play video games together withthe group of boys, while she need to have a bathroom break, just 10 minutes after, the boy is gone and nowhere to be found. A massive man hunt was conducted in every area of the mall, searching for AdamWalsh’s body, but they were no results at all. Surprisingly, on August 10, 1981, the boy’s head was discovered in a drainage without it’s body. It was only after 2 years after they had an answer.
By 1983, a man named Ottis Toole, confessed of the murder.He also implicated one serial murderer named Henry Lee Lucas. Several months later, he led the police to the place where he buried the boy, but it has gone into nothing. He repeatedly took back his story afterit. He died of liver cirrhosis in 1996. Years after it, Jeffrey Dahmer, another known serial killer who is at Florida at that time of the killings, was also considered as one of the suspects.
Because of this case, John Walsh, the father of Adam, later became a founder of National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. He then became the host of America’s most Wanted which is the instrument in catching most of the fugitives in America. On July 27, 2006, 25 years after Adam went missing, President George W. Bush signed the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act into law, which created a national database of convicted child sex offenders.
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